Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I was tagged!

I got tagged by my cuzo, High Fidelity.

So here's the rules:

A). Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

B). Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.

C). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

D). Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Well, here we go! Seven Random/Weird LifesABeach Facts:

  1. I love flip fops. I have so many pairs of flip flops in various different colors, it's crazy! I wish I could wear them all year round. I sometimes still do wear them in the winter when it's cold out. Though when it's snowing I do put on regular shoes.

  2. I'm a left-handed when writing, but do everything else right-handed. My dad and my brother, who are both righties taught me how to play sports, so I learned everything the right-handed way. So really aside from writing, I consider myself to be right hand dominant. I guess I'm somewhat ambidextrous :)

  3. I love ladybugs! I know that's sort of weird, but I do! I have a lot of ladybug bug objects in my room. I think part of my obsession with them is that my grandma (on my dads side) used to call me ladybug when I was little. But most people that know me, when they see things that deal with ladybugs, they think of me haha.

  4. I sneeze in 3's! For some strange reason, whenever I sneeze they seem to come in multiple of 3's. Haha that just rhymed didn't it? Awww yeaaaaa. Ok ok back to business here.

  5. I collect shot glasses. I collect them from wherever I go, whether it's on a big vaction or just another store that I've never been too. I like unique ones, as well as shot glasses that have different locations on them. I used to just collect them on places I've been too, but now when I now someone who is going somewhere that I've never been, I usually ask them to pick up a shot glass for me.

  6. I met the Verizon Wireless test guy! You know, the "Can you hear me now?" guy from the commercials. I used to work at the Verizon Wireless headquaters and he was there promoting some of the new phones coming out. What many people don't know is that he is an actual Verizon Wireless employee... a very well paid employee! Haha. But his name is Paul and that's his actual job to test the phones and test them in different areas, etc.

  7. I keep old movie tickets. Whenever I go to the movies, I usually try to keep the other half of the ticket. I eventually want to put them in a scapbook. I think it would be neat (wow, did I just say neat?! lol) to look back at it in like 30 years or so and see what movies I went too.

Well, there it is! Seven random/weird facts about me. Since I've just started blogging this week, I don't know many people on here, so I don't have anyone to tag! :(

1 comment:

High Fidelity said...

The crazy thing is that a lot of your weird facts are facts about other I know, including myself. My sister collects shot glasses from places and from others who go places she doesn't (which to me kind of defeats the point, but oh well), I had a friend that loved ladybugs too (even had a user name as that), and I am left-handed in writing in eating but use my right hand for everything else. Go figure.