Sunday, June 22, 2008

A sense of accomplishment...

So ladies and gents... I BOUGHT A CAR! It's not brand new, but its a 2006. I bought a 2006 Boss Hoss Mustang.. it's bad ass!! This may not seem like a big deal to some, but it is to me. I bought the car all on my own, its in my name, under my insurance, my money making the payments. Granted the previous 2 cars I had a part in those too, but it wasn't completely since I had them while I was in college and couldn't afford to do it on my own. So I'm proud to say that I bought this one all on my own. I feel a sense of accomplishment because I didn't have to ask my parents for anything on this one, other than whether or not they like the car and if they thought it was a smart decision. Everyone can always use their parents opinions no matter what age they are. Here are a few pics of my new ride!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My ladybug

I think I touched on this in a previous blog, but I have a thing for ladybugs. Some wonder why I like them so much. I think a huge part of that is because my (paternal) grandma used to call me ladybug when I was little. So from then I think it just stuck with me. When I see something that has a ladybug on it, I feel the need to get it. But it also goes beyond the material things. I associate ladybugs with my grandma and it takes me back to great memories. A few years back my grandma was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It all happened pretty quick and now she doesn't know who any one is when we go to visit her at the nursing home. Sometimes she thinks my parents are her sisters and brothers, and that my grandpa is still alive. Nothing can prepare you for a loved one having Alzheimer's. I admit I really don't go visit her as often as I should because as you can imagine it's upsetting when you say "Hey Grandma!" and she has no clue who you are at any point when you're there with her. I'd give anything to have her remember me for a second and call me ladybug. Don't get me wrong I do try to focus on the positive and realize that she is still alive and in good health aside from the Alzheimer's. But I think if I had the chance, I'd trade the Alzheimer's for something else.

So I think I started going in a different direction than intended when starting this blog. Although I don't think I really had a set direction. I suppose it was just an attempt to have you see why I like ladybugs and how they hold a special meaning.

My grandma may not be like she used too , but she will forever be my ladybug.


It's been a while...

Soooo yea.. so much for me keeping up with my blog. I knew it had been a while since my last post, but damn its been 6 months!

So lets recap on the past 6 months shall we?!

In the last blog I touched on a few things I would like to do/accomplish this year. I took that 9 week healthy cooking class and loved it. I took a few more classes that were one day workshops. Also, I took a 9 week class that focused all on breakfast foods from across the United States. I've made a few things on my own and so far everyone loves it! Hmm I could be on to something... maybe work my way to starting a little catering biz? I'm still playing with the idea of going to culinary school. In the fall the teacher that I took these classes with will be offering a class that gives you an idea of what culinary school will be like, followed by a more advanced class in the spring of '09. He said this will be a good way to determine if this is something you want to pursue. So I'm thinking that I'll definitely take these classes, and also use it to really determine if want to go back to school for culinary arts. So we shall see!

Moving right along... Ok so I'm still living at home and I'm fine with that. I know I said I'd like to move out by the end of the year. My thoughts on that have changed. I think I'm just going to continue to save up so that when I am ready to move out on my own, I can buy my first place (maybe not a house, but a condo/townhouse), rather then rent. I think that's a smart move, don't you? I mean this economy is crazy right now, and the cost of living in New Jersey is even worse.

I traveled to Southern California at the end of February in to March to visit my friend Summer and her family. It was a nice little trip. I wish I could have stayed out there longer and saw more of California. When I left for Cali, it was about 20 degrees in NJ, so when I stepped out of the airport in Cali it was so nice to walk out in to 70 degree weather. Man that smog is no joke! My friend and her husband drove me around parts of SoCal, so I could take in some of the scenery. We went to Laguna Beach, San Diego, Irvine to name a few. We attempted to go to Hollywood so I could see all of the tourist stuff, but the infamous "Santa Ana wind" rolled through so that put damper on that. Next time I hope to go there as well as a few other places.

Hmm what else... Oh I've gone to two Yankees games so far this season. I hope to go to more before the season is over. Being at Yankees Stadium has to be one of the best feelings in the world. I love being there. Hotdogs, beer and baseball! Doesn't get much better than that!

Oh, in case you're wondering I've been keeping up with the gym and doin' my thang with WeightWatchers. It's a work in progress, but I'm getting there :)

Well folks, I think that gives you a little recap of what I've been up to in the past few months, and how I'm doing with the goals I set out for this year. I promise it won't be 6 months 'til my next blog!

I'll leave you with this.. big things are in the works for me. Stay tuned.... :)