Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Move or no move?

So latetly, more so than ever... I've been contemplating a move. To where you ask? I have no clue! I'm thinking South.

I've always thought about moving out of Jersey for a while. Though in the last few months I've been thinking maybe I should really do this. I just feel like I need a big change in my life. I love NJ but I need a change of scenary!

I think moving would be good for a few reasons, one - it will be a hell of a lot cheaper the further south I go; two - I can see more, meet new people. In a way I kind of feel like still being at home is really holding me back from some of life's experiences. But reality, for the moment anyway, I can't afford to live on my own here in NJ with the ridiculous prices and with what I'm currently making.

Now if this move happened, it would be quite a change for my family. I think I mentioned in another blog how I feel like I have to take care of my parents. They are still able to do things for themselves but because my brother isn't up here, I feel obligated to stay around the area. Is this bad for me to feel so guilty? I'm so family oriented that, I'll feel guilty as hell if I happen to leave. I know my parents want me to be happy but will they be ok with out me? Will I be ok with out them? Aside from the anxiety of knowing whether or not I'll have money and a good job...my fam is a huge factor in this.

What to do, what to do...

Plus where the heck would I start with trying to move? Find a job and an appt first or what?

I need some in sight from anyone that has been in a similar situation. What helped you decide to make the move?


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