Friday, January 4, 2008


So it's definitely been a while since my last blog. My apologies for that, it's just been kind of hectic with the holidays! But alas it is not 2008! A new year, a new me (in the making). I've had a lot of time to think lately about what I would like to accomplish this year. These are in no particular order... But I would like to take some cooking classes. I know how to cook, but I want to learn more dishes, techniques, etc. I'm actually taking a cooking class starting next Tuesday. It's called "Healthy & Delicious Cooking." It should be fun, learning new stuff and hopefully meeting a few new people. It's more of a dream at this point, but going back to school to be a chef would be friggen great! It would be more of a career change than just a hobby if I did go back to school for it. But yea on the money side right now, that just isn't going to happen. So I figure I'll just take little classes here and there. Hey ya never know right?

Also, I'd like to move out on my own before 2008 is over. Whether I'd stay in the state of NJ or move out of state is up in the air. Don't get me wrong, life at home is good with my parents. But I just feel it's time for me to move out and sort of start my own life. Not going to lie, it will be hard. Though there are times that my parents and I annoy each other to no end, we're very close. So even thinking about moving out has been somewhat hard because I always think, who's going to be there to take care of them once I move out. Since my brother lives in Colorado and hasn't lived at home in over 10 years... I sort of feel as though it's my responsibility to take care of them. Sure they are fully capable of doing things for themselves, but I guess I just worry too much. Even while thinking about it now, sort of makes me emotional. But I know this is something I have to do for myself in order for me to grow as a person.

I would also like to travel as much as I possibly can this year, even if it's just little weekend trips here and there. I need a damn travel buddy though. Too many of my friends are flakes when it comes to that. They're all about it when you bring up the idea, but when it comes time to put money on the table everyone has an excuse or is no where to be found.

So some of you know, and some of you don't know that I've been on Weight Watchers for a while now. It's had it's fair share of ups & downs. Now, it may sound like I'm making your typical New Years resolution to loose weight, but that's not the case. I've been steady with the weight loss since I started WW, but in the past few months I sort of fell off the wagon a bit. But I realize I need to get on the ball here and do what I have to do to become more healthy and just feel better about myself in general in terms of appearance. And for the record, I'm doing this for myself and only myself. People always say "oh you look fine the way you are, etc etc" but the truth is, I don't feel good about myself. So with all that said, I am going to stay on track as much as I possibly can with Weight Watchers to achieve my goal. I've been going to the gym regularly and even got a trainer and he set up a work out for me to help achieve my goal. I must admit, I feel great when I get out of the gym. Sometimes the thought of going is painful haha, but once I'm there and those endorphins kick in.. ooooo yeaaa it's good. :)

Alright so I'm only 24, but I just feel like I haven't accomplished much yet in my life. What is it that I want to accomplish you ask? NO FUCKING CLUE! But I just feel that so many others my age, have done so much and I haven't. So I hope this year, I'll shine in whatever I do!

Well those are a few things I'd like to accomplish this year. There are some other things, but those are the main ones.

To all that read this, I want to wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! :)

2008.... will be my year!
